sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2012



Búzios' curiosities ... Curiosidades de Búzios ...

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Name : Punky

Profession : Show dog ...
Profissão : Cão show...

Você levanta o dedo sobre um animal e eu te mostro quem é a verdadeira besta !

Foto ricordo in spiaggia (Getty Images)

Si mettono in posa tranquilli, peccato che...

Si moltiplicano dagli Usa le foto ricordo 'felici' con uno sfondo molto singolare. Se non drammatico. Allarga lo sguardo

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Da non perdere!

Ryan Gosling (Getty Images)







Il segreto del suo successo con le donne

Il bello e famoso attore hollywoodiano ha un particolare che lo rende irresistibile a tutte le donne. Scopri qual è

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Photos and Videos by Valnei G. Lopes

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'Honeypot ants'


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Das breite Grinsen verrät sie

Auch mit 40 Jahren ist das Lachen des Filmstars noch so unwiderstehlich wie auf diesem Schulfoto. Wer ist es?

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Vier Typen aus der Vorstadt

entdecken durch Zufall,
dass sie unter Aliens leben

Singles in Ihrer Nähe

verabreden Sie sich
noch heute.


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Vier Typen aus der Vorstadt

entdecken durch Zufall,
dass sie unter Aliens leben




aktualisiert 00:23



    US-Astronaut Neil Armstrong gestorben

    Erster Mensch auf dem Mond ist tot

    Der erste Mensch auf dem Mond, Neil Armstrong, ist im Alter von 82 Jahren gestorben. Die Familie des früheren US-Astronauten bestätigte einen Bericht des US-Senders NBC. Armstrong hatte sich Anfang des Monats einer Bypass-Operation unterzogen, seiner Familie zufolge starb der "amerikanische Held wider Willen" an Komplikationen nach dem Eingriff.

    'Honeypot ants', also called honey ants or repletes, are ants which are gorged with food by workers, to the point that their abdomens swell enormously, a condition called plerergate. Other ants then extract nourishment from them. They function essentially as living larders. Honeypot ants belong to any of five genera, including Myrmecocystus.[1]
    Many insects, notably honey bees and some wasps, collect and store liquid for use at a later date. However, these insects store their food within their nest or in combs. Honey ants are unique in using their own bodies as living storage, but they have more function than just storing food. Some store liquids, body fat, and water from insect prey brought to them by worker ants. They can later serve as a food source for their fellow ants when food is otherwise scarce. In certain places, they are eaten by people as sweets and are considered a delicacy.
    These ants can live anywhere in the nest, but in the wild, they are found deep underground, literally imprisoned by their huge abdomens, swollen to the size of grapes. They are so valued in times of little food and water that occasionally raiders from other colonies, knowing of these living storehouses, will attempt to steal these ants because of their high nutritional value and water content. These ants are also known to change colors. Some common colors are green, red, orange, yellow, and blue.

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